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Key Personnel

Executive Director

Dr Toh

Dr Toh Cheng Teik

(B. Eng, Ph.D, MIEM, MICE, MASCE, C.Eng, P.Eng)

Dr. Toh Cheng Teik is a civil engineer with a PhD from Monash University Australia for work in soil models and finite elements applied to soft clays. He has 45 years’ experience in geotechnical engineering including 1 year at CSIRO, Australia and 5 years lecturing at University Malaya. He has written about 40 papers in regional and international conferences and journals. He was amongst the first batch of accredited checkers appointed by the Board of Engineer Malaysia. His qualifications and affiliations are: B Eng (Hons), PH D, MIEM, MICE, MASCE, C.Eng, P.Eng. He was the editor of the Muar Triall embankments conference proceedings for LLM. He was major contributor and deputy chairman of the CIDB committee drafting guidelines on road construction on peat.


Dr Toh associates

Ir. Chee Sai Kim

(BSce, MIEM, P.Eng)

Ir. Chee Sai Kim graduated with honours in civil engineering from the University of Florida, United States and worked in general civil engineering for about 4 years and geotechnical engineering for 34 years. Her qualifications are: BSCE, MIEM, P.Eng. She has worked on more than 100 deep excavations, design and construction of roads on peat and soft ground, building foundations and slope stabilization. She is a member of the CIDB committee drafting guidelines for road construction on peat.

Dr Toh associates

Ir. Dr. Ong Yin Hoe

(B.Eng, M.Eng, Ph.D, MIEM, P.Eng)

Ir. Dr. Ong Yin Hoe (geotechnical engineer) has a Masters in geotechnical engineering from AIT and a Ph.D in civil engineering from Universiti Teknologi Petronas. He has worked as a geotechnical engineer for about 20 years including as resident engineer for foundation works including anchored contiguous bored pile wall, diaphragm walls, bored piles and jack – in piles. He has also been involved in the design of highways on soft ground. As well he has vast experience in three dimensional finite element analysis of tunnels, basement excavations and bored piles and has been involved in impact assessment of basement excavations on existing tunnels, underground rail stations and existing viaduct structures. He has been invited on several, occasions to lecture at MIDAS conferences. He is the author of more than 10 papers on numerical methods and bored piles.


En. Rusli Abdullah

En.Rusli Abdullah (geologist, age 53) has a Bachelor and Masters in engineering geology from the University of Malaya and has worked as an academic and in Geological Survey Department, Malaysia. His experience includes soil investigations, materials investigation, environmental engineering, slope assessment and slope engineering. He has supervised the construction of bored piles and basement excavation projects in different geological formations over the last 27 years.


En. Mahat

En. Mahat has a BSc in geology from the University of Malaya. He has been involved in the materials testing in major highways, geological mapping of slopes and construction of pile foundations in limestone for two major elevated highway in KL.

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